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Teen & Parent/Guardian Connection Day with Nikki Levitan

Let's Go Into the Wild Child...

Sat 18th May, 12-5pm, Stanmer Organics, Stanmer Park.

Teen & Parent/Guardian Connection Day with Nikki Levitan

"I firmly believe that nature brings solace in all troubles." Anne Frank.

We are excited to be collaborating with Nikki Levitan ( to offer parents and their teens a day in the woods to get away from life’s daily distractions, off your technological devices and into a wild space for some time to connect with yourself, with each other (you and your teen) and the natural world. And of course to have some fun together! Spending time in nature can reset our nervous system, give us a sense of release and calm and even offer us some awe, wisdom and insight .

What to expect:
* Nature connection practices to be able to drop into the day in a present way
* Some Solo time for yourself to reflect on what you need as a parent of a teen
* Some Solo time for your teen to reflect on what they need as a teen right now
* Some time together learning a new skill, doing nature crafts, cooking on fire…..
* A little walk together to speak and witness each other
* Sitting around a fire as a community
* Leave with a few useful ways and tools to support your connection

Why do we need such days?
On the days when I am all up in my head at home, unable to connect with my child, we get on our boots and go into the wild. When I am in the wild with my child I am able to be really present, we explore together, learn together and bond through the connection to the natural world. We naturally tap into conversation and creativity together. This is our place to really co exist, it is our Solace. I am excited to facilitate a connective space for you and your child.
As someone who has worked with teens for the last 20 years I know adolescence can be both an exciting and turbulent time. And being a parent/guardian of a teen can feel like an overwhelming place to be holding all the emotions that come with the journey. A big part of an adolescence journey can be to push away from parents and guardians. This is part of their way of working out who they are as individuals as a way of becoming more independent. That along with daily distractions, technology and life’s everyday stresses can get in the way of carving deep time to really connect.

Hi I am Nikki. I am a mother following an unschooling pathway. I am an integral coach, facilitator, wellbeing practitioner and forest school leader. I co founded The Visionaries and Grief Guides peer lead and youth empowerment movements. I believe we can all play a role in being the village that raises our children to flourish and grow in our ever changing world. If we adults, parents and elders tend to ourselves and how we evolve , we can show up and be there fully for our young people. My passion is spending time in nature as our container and teacher, creating safe, non judgmental spaces to witness and be witnessed and empower ourselves and our youth through self discovery and personal development. Being neuro-divergent myself, I do not fit in a box. I come from and bring many modalities and very much celebrate my differences as a strength and invite those I work with to do the same. I have a background in positive psychology, social action, youth work and community organizing. I have worked for over 20 years with young people in both formal and informal settings. I am trained as a professional integral coach, qualified Trauma & Mental Health informed school practitioner and a teen yoga teacher.

For more information on the work I do visit

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